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Focus Word 2015 - "Water"

Focus Word 2015 - "Water"

Access to water can be a source of conflict, but it is also a catalyst for cooperation and peace building. Cooperation on such a practical and vital issue as water management and drinking water supply and sanitation services can help overcome cultural, political and social tensions, and can also build trust and social peace between different groups, genders, communities, regions or states. Many Peace Corps Volunteers projects involve access to water.


Oromo: bishaan (bee-shaan)
Amhara: wuha (woo-ha)
Somali: biyo (bee-yo)
Tigray: mai (my)
Indigenous design from Cameroon


French (official): eau (eau)
Fang: mendim (men-dim)
Ewondo: (men-dim)
Pidgin: wata (wah-ta)
Indigenous design from Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Tamil: தண்ணீர் - Taṇṇīr (ta-neer)
Sinhala: vatura (vah-to-rah)
Indigenous design from Malawi


Chichewa (official) and Chinyanja: madzi (mod-zee)
Chitumbuka: maji (maa-gee)
Chitonga: meenda (may-en-da)
Indigenous design from Turkey


Turkish (official): su (suh)
Indigenous design from South Africa

South Africa

Afrikaans: water (vay-ter)
Sepedi: metsi (meh-tsi)
Setswana: metsi (meh-tsi)
Sesotho: metsi (meh-tsi)
Indigenous design from Mozambique


Portuguese: água (ahh-gwahh)
Indigenous design from Vanuatu


Bislama: wota (wo-ta)
Indigenous design from Rwanda


Kinyarwanda: amazi (ah-mah-zee)
Kiswahili: magi (maa-gee)
Indigenous design from Guatemala


Spanish: agua (ahh-gwahh)
Indigenous design from Mongolia


Khalka Mongol: us (oos)
Indigenous design from India


Hindi: पानी Pāṇī (paa-nee)
Bengali: জল Jala (jaah-la)
Marathi: पानी Pāṇī (paa-nee)
Gujarati: પાણી Pāṇī (paa-nee)
Tamil: தண்ணீர் - Taṇṇīr (ta-neer)
Urdu: پانی Pāṇī ( pa-nee)
Indigenous design from Nepal


Nepali: पानी Pāṇī (paa-nee)